Beyond Books: Manuscript on Accumulation
15 December 2020

Beyond Books #3: Manuscript on Accumulation
Performance and manuscript. Narrating power’s past beyond the common train-tracks of Western canonized history.
Tue 15 December 2020, 18:00, online
In this online performance-lecture Vibe Overgaard stages the historical transition from feudalism to capitalism. Sculptural ceramic pieces are used as props to illustrate significant parts of the narrative and combine as a “train of history”. The manuscript aims to underline how inequality, racism and abuse of natural resources are fundamentally integrated in the current capitalist economic model. The artist’s approach is an example of how critical thinking and academic writing can be used in a performative mode and made (a)live.
Important: To join, RSVP via mail to
The presentation will be live-streamed on Twitch via
Beyond Books is a series of online presentations that aims to give an understanding of possible strategies and interactions between artistic practices and the general field of research and its distributional systems. The series thereby poses the question of how artistic practices can be a tool for distribution of research and a hub of knowledge exchange, and how artistic practices are inspired by the outlets of research.
For the series, three artists have been invited. They present art works in different stages of becoming, therefore opening up to the complexity and entanglements of their artistic process.
The presentations orbit around contemporary socio-economic questions and endeavors, how art can be thought of as a possible tool of distribution for theory and other outputs of critical thought. The presentations will be live streamed from the exhibition Tracking Distribution that opens 27 November at Index and can therefore be seen as a distributional extension of the physical exhibition.
Participating artists are Isabella Solar Villaseca, Vibe Overgaard and Lou Mouw. Read more about the series here.
The series of events will be live streamed online on three consecutive Tuesdays: 1, 8, 15 December 2020. RSVP to to receive the link for the event.
Series of events:
Beyond Books: Sci-fi as a Form of Reflection
Tue 1 December 2020, 18:00
Beyond Books: Dance as a Form of Resistance
Tue 8 December 2020, 18:00
Beyond Books: Manuscript on Accumulation
Tue 15 December 2020, 18:00