Learning Program

Index Learning Program actively engages with and reflects upon the role of learning within contemporary art today. Using the questions, premises, contradictions of contemporary art and artists as a starting point, the program focuses on developing curiosity, dialogue and meaningful exchange, with reflective and open-ended outcomes.
Several researchnodes have been developed within the learning program, Kids Looking Busy: Decluttering the visual tropes of learning, investigates the cliches and visual cues of pedagogy. And Forever And, was a summer course working with young climate activism to Word Worlds, this work continued in And Tomorrow And, building on the young voices in a workshop-based exhibition. The Parrot, is an ongoing form that works with the complexities of mimicry and learning with art. It takes the shape of a school for misunderstanding and copying, a festival for re-grouping and a critical voice for online mediation. Going to an exhibition in character uses speculative and performative methods from LARP (Live Action Role Play) and goes undercover to visit different exhibitions to untangle the invisible codes that structure it as a social space.
The learning program is one of the major focuses of Index. Existing in and out of the gallery space, in collaboration with artists, schools and higher education institutions, the program is activated and invites the sharing of knowledges through the Index Teen Advisory Board and Index Residents.

Index regularly offers opportunities for internships for students and people new to the industry.
More information here.