15 September–23 October 2022

Between 15 Sept to 15 Oct, a mailbox will be mounted at Index. The mailbox is an extension of the three-day long workshop, A Printable Exhibition, which took place in June and explored the possibilities of translating three-dimensional or ephemeral artworks into 2D-formats, resulting in the publication, All That All That.
The purpose of the workshop was to expand the borders of what printed matter – and exhibition making in the most general sense – can be, revolving around concepts of circulation and distribution, and led by the question: what happens if you cannot make it to a show, can the exhibition come to you?
Visitors to Index are invited to send All That All That to their friends by simply leaving an addressed envelope with the publication in the mailbox. In return, receivers are welcome to share photos or feedback of how the exhibition took form at their place. By making use of Index’s proximity to a post office, all publications will then be posted after 15th Oct. Mailing the publication is free of charge.
The workshop, A Printable Exhibition was held and initiated by the artists Alina Rentsch and Sofia Priftis. The publication All That All That was made in collaboration with the artist and graphic designer Elina Birkehag.
Both projects took place in the scope of The Octopus Programme, an educational program that encourages artistic research and production-based collaborations across academies and art institutions. The Octopus Programme was initiated in 2019/2020 by University of Applied Arts Vienna and Kamel Lazaar Foundation in Tunis. Among eleven institutions, Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation is one of the partnering institutions together with Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design.