Summer Course: AND FOREVER AND

1–10 August 2018

Evelina Jacobson Potenciano, participant in the summer course And Forever And performing the collective manifesto "We are I".
Summer course: And Forever And
Summer Course And Forever And at Index 2018.

Index’ first summer school, And Forever And, took place in August 2018. The ten day course was initiated and taught by the Index learning team, and was based around developing collective methods for collective futures.

Drawing on the legacy of the artistic manifesto as a means of making demands of the future, participants in the summer course Saga Flodman, Viola Flø Brøther, Miriam Gustavsson, Leonora Haag, Evelina Jacobson Potenciano, Moa Elvira Lundborg, Leo Silkeberg W-O and Mathilda Tönseth, unpacked possible futures with guest teachers Roxy Farhat, Iris Smeds, Ulla-Britta Westergren and Ellen Söderhult. With text as a central focus of the course, the students developed collective performative and text based pieces that draw on the philosopher Isabelle Stengers model of the ‘reciprocal capture’, which presents a state of reciprocity, where entities enter a process of encounter and transformation, and in this state, find ways of coming together. The state of ‘reciprocal capture’ is central to the modes of working present in this course the Index Learning Program.

The course led into the production of the autumn exhibition, AND TOMORROW AND, opening at Index on August 24, 2018. For further information, please contact Index’ Curator of Learning Emmeli Person.