Repeat Karaoke (Heaven) and How to Have Conversations Lost in Time

Come sing Heaven (by Bryan Adams) all night. The song is available at three speeds as usual, and only one song is on the menu. On this night we will sing in “the Heaven-room” which is the part of the exhibition where the (puppet) researchers are trying to collapse time to erase loss, rather than reverse it. As part of this research, I will also present a quick method for having impossible conversations lost in time.
You can of course also watch the research video “See you in Heaven TV” about how there is no death and there are no dead and try the three stations for opening up to a lossless (heavenly) experience of any two-person (living) relationship.
Presentation of the method “Impossible conversations – do you want to have one anyway?”
Repeat karaoke for all, singing only Heaven by Bryan Adams.