Performance with Anna Kinbom: The potential of conversations leading nowhere
7 December 2022, 18:00

Curatorial Program for Research (CPR) and Index Foundation presents this performance evening with Anna Kinbom comprising a new work. The artist looks back at earlier periods in her life and reads from her new book about walks at Södermalm dreaming about a studio, therapy sessions in Buenos Aires and how one writes a book:
“I got interested in Lacanian therapy because it is based on the word, the language, in the act of speaking and telling things. It makes a difference how I tell you my stories, this could be a cure, to speak, to tell things to someone.”
The performance also includes newly written songs, among others: “When you wake up I go to sleep”. It adds to an already extensive repertoire of songs that makes up an important part of Anna Kinbom’s artistic work.
Following a six week residency in Buenos Aires supperted by Curatorial Program for Research Anna Kinbom has developed this new performance work reflecting on Lacanian Psychotherapy and the latest feminist wave in Argentina.
The performance is approximately 40 minutes and we serve snacks and drinks.
The book will be available for purchase. In Spanish only.
Anna Kinbom’s visit at the Apartment Residency in Buenos Aires was supported by Helge Ax:son Johnsson’s Foundation and the Swedish Arts Grant Committee.
Photo: Penelope Sanchez