Open Workshop: Exhibition View Control Wars
27–28 April 2022, 16:00

Grup d’Estudi is a collective from Barcelona proposing new forms of public art presentation, aiming for a radical mobility and flexibility within the idea of the collective. During the public workshop the publication Exhibition View 2019-2021 will be presented and shared. Exhibition View 2019-2021 is a publication gathering exhibitions views. This book is distributed for free (under the Fair Use license) and it has been produced by Universitat Lliure de Barcelona (Barcelona Free University) with support from “La Caixa” Foundation.
Exhibition View Control Wars aims to adapt Becoming Collective’s open source Control Wars as a roleplay game dispositive to explore possible futures, scenarios and bonds in the art world through frictions and potential conciliations. Grup d’Estudi invites participants to 2 sessions consisting in a co-assembly of rules and game design followed by the activation of the tool game. Exhibition View Control Wars will function as a conversational-based dynamic for situated singularities and subjectivities in art contexts, using fiction as a method to embody and understand the complexities in both of them.