Talk practice Disturbing Distribution: FRANCESC RUIZ
Saturday 19 September 2020, 14:00

Francesc Ruiz builds from the comic book as aesthetic, narrative, and intellectual substrate, and as historical and operational material. Reality is produced, changed, reconstituted, and assembled in his comic books installations, generating stories that potentially reveal the apparatuses through which individual, social, urban, and sexual identities are constructed.
He is also interested in tangential and alternative distribution of comics and printed matter, and has developed a series of workshops (Hangar, Barcelona, 2016, ENSBA, Nancy, 2018; Dutch Art Institute, 2019) that under the name of “Disturbing Distribution” want to visualize circuits and systems where commodities and bodies circulate in an attempt to point new disruptive spaces of intervention where to shortcircuit capitalism dance.
His installations have been seen in CA2M (Madrid), Gasworks (London), Arnolfini (Bristol), Contemporary Image Collective (Cairo), FRAC PACA (Marseille), Weserburg Museum (Bremen), MNCARS (Madrid), IVAM (Valencia), MACBA (Barcelona), and in biennials such as the Venice Biennale in 2015, the Gothenburg Biennial, Sweden in 2017, the Momentum Biennial, Moss, Norway in 2019 or the Busan Biennale, South Korea, 2020.
Francesc Ruiz participates in Leaking Container’s program with a talk about his artistic practice, channels of publication and distribution within LGTBQ communities, and “Disturbing Distribution”.
With the generous support by: