Index 19: Human Interference Task Force

2 December 2015, 19:00–22:00

Human Interference Task Force: The Alien Gesture of the Hum, 2015

Index 19 hosts an evening with Anna Mikkola and Matilda Tjäder and their performative project ‘Human Interference Task Force’ (HITF) on 2 December 2015, 19:00-22:00.

The project emerges in episodes as continuously evolving research on the resonance between humans and earthly materials and the creation of methods to approach what appears as alien to human perception. HITF combines movement research, sound, video, sculpture, and text. HITF:s performative event held at Index 19 is an extension and re-interpretation of their third episode, eventually morphing into a fourth one. The third episode: ‘Insulation (Mounting Layers)’ was exhibited at HIAP Gallery Augusta/Project Space in November 2015. It was a performative solo exhibition marking the culmination of a month-long residency at HIAP (Helsinki International Artists Programme) at Suomenlinna, Helsinki. Established in 2014 HITF exhibited their first episode ‘Community of Cells’ as part of ‘biotic/abiotic’ at the Gallery Apart in Rome (2014) and at PAF (Performing Arts Forum) in St. Erme (2015). The second episode ‘The Alien Gesture of the Hum’ was shown as part of ‘Tower Show: EGG’ in Malmö (2015).

Index 19 is a weekly events series in Index’ front space. Presenting single works, films, readings and discursive events, the aim is to create a space for dialogue with our surrounding community and visitors. Index 19 is a flexible program initiative, with one night or returning events by international artists and Stockholm-based initiatives.

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