Double repeat karaoke with Linnea Hansander
17 June 2022, 18:00–21:00

Double repeat-karaoke – Without you / Heaven
Linnea Hansander’s words inviting and leading us in this event:
As a special walkthrough experience, this time we will sing both central songs of the exhibition, on repeat for a total of three hours.
We will start in Act 1 (the TRAGEDY-room), sing “Without you” by Mariah Carey for 1,5 hours, and then move on to Act 2 (the Heaven-room) and continue to sing “Heaven” by Bryan Adams for 1,5 hours.
Each song is available at three speeds as usual, and only one song is on the menu in each room.
I will tell you about Orpheus as a role model and why “Without you” is his song, and you can of course also watch (or play a part in) the automatic theatre where research on how to avoid your (painful) fate is presented. And you can watch the research video “See you in Heaven TV” about collapsing time to retrieve the dead, and try the stations for opening up to a lossless (heavenly) experience of any two-person (living) relationship.
Ps. you don’t have to sing to participate, karaoke needs an audience too.
18:00 -19.30
Repeat karaoke for all, singing only “Without you” by Mariah Carey
Repeat karaoke for all, singing only “Heaven” by Bryan Adams