Sounding Out! ITAB at the Nordic Youth Symposium 2023

Sounding Out ITAB

On 6 October, the young boards of Index (Stockholm), PRAKSIS (Oslo) and PUBLICS (Helsinki) join to hold a symposium in Oslo – a one-day multidisciplinary gathering to play with ideas around the ways that arts organizations could use audio formats to reach out to new young audiences.

Together these three boards form the Nordic youth network, Future Futures. Between 2023-2026 they are working on the project Reaching Out, where each year they look at an established mode of dissemination to help institutions continue to develop the ways in which they connect with their publics. This year the groups are focusing on audio – across podcasts and radio, walking tours, artworks and more. They have been working with artists, meeting with institutions, and developing their own responses to the question: How does your board think arts institutions should use sound to reach people?

For their part in the symposium, ITAB present proposals and analysis in relation to problems presented by Nitja Centre for Contemporary Art. The full program will be updated here.

Reaching Out is supported by Erasmus+ Activ Ungdom, Kulturtanken, and Kulturdirektoratet.