Index Teen Advisory Board

Index Teen Advisory Board offers paid positions for young people who actively support decision-making, evaluation and programming at Index Foundation. The aim is to bring together a group with varying experiences and reflect together on the role and potential of art and culture today.

The 2024/25 Index Teen Advisory Board members are: Agnes Karlsson, Astrid Sundgren Samolov, Benedicte Ntumba Kalala, Emelie Svedling, Emma Kostrubala Ramberg, Emma Wrangsjö, Jagana Khasdorj, Niko Enroth Henriksson, Roza Kasirga, Sanna Grusell.

OPEN CALL – 2025

Är du en person som tycker om att undersöka, ifrågasätta och problematisera? En som inte nöjer sig med standardsvar utan vill skrapa på ytan och fundera på varför saker ser ut som de gör?

Index Teen Advisory Board (ITAB) är en grupp ungdomar (16–21 år) som gemensamt tar fram och föreslår projekt och strategier för att utveckla Index, en konsthall för samtidskonst mitt i Stockholm. I styrelsen vill vi samla ungdomar med olika erfarenheter och kunskaper, som på ett experimentellt och kritiskt sätt kan närma sig frågan om konstens roll i samhället. ITAB använder lyssnande, diskussion och lek för att kritiskt undersöka, diskutera och omformulera de normer som finns inkodade i konstvärlden.

Vi träffas en gång i månaden under ett års tid, vanligtvis på lördagar, så uppdraget går bra att kombinera med studier. Vi träffar konstnärer, deltar i workshops, skriver, diskuterar och tänker på konst tillsammans. Du behöver ingen särskild erfarenhet eller kunskaper, det viktiga är att du är nyfiken och vill testa nya idéer ihop med andra. Uppdraget är avlönat, som ledamot får du ett årsarvode på 5000 kronor.

Under 2025/26 kommer vi att fokusera extra på text och publikationer. Som del av din ansökan vill vi därför att du väljer en av frågorna eller uppmaningarna här under och delar med dig av dina reflektioner kring just den frågan.

1. Beskriv en bok eller tidning som du önskar existerade, men som inte gör det
2. Vad tror du kommer att hända med bokaffärer och bibliotek inom de kommande 10-20 åren?
3. Vilka fördelar kan AI ha jämfört med människor när det kommer till att skriva berättelser?
4. Vem bestämmer meningen i en text – läsaren eller författaren?
5. Var läser du?

Du kan välja att skriva ner dina förklaringar och tankar, men du kan lika gärna göra illustrationer, ta fotografier eller hitta bilder som du tycker beskriver ditt resonemang. Du kan spela in ett ljudklipp där du tänker högt – vad vi tittar på i din ansökan är inte att du har gjort något “snyggt” eller tekniskt komplicerat, vi vill få en bild av hur du resonerar. Skicka ett mail med din ansökan (fota av vad du har gjort om du jobbar för hand) tillsammans med ditt namn, din ålder och ett kortfattat svar på varför du vill gå med i ITAB.

Skriv till med ITAB-ANSÖKAN i ämnesraden, senast 6 april 2025. Våra nuvarande medlemmar svarar gärna på frågor om ansökan, eller vad det innebär att vara med i ITAB. Maila till så sätter hon dig i kontakt med dem!

OPEN CALL – 2025

Are you someone who likes to explore, experiment, and challenge the status quo? Someone who won’t settle for one-size-fits-all type of answers, but instead wants to investigate and question why things are the way they are?

Index Teen Advisory Board (ITAB) is a group of young people (ages 16–21) who collectively put together and suggest projects and strategies to develop Index, a contemporary art institution located in central Stockholm. The board brings together youths with a wide range of experiences, who can approach the question of art’s role in society in an experimental and critical way. ITAB uses listening, discussion and play to critically examine, discuss and reformulate the norms ingrained in the artworld.

We meet monthly throughout the year, usually on Saturdays, so the position can easily be combined with studies or other work. We meet artists, partake in workshops, write, discuss and think about art together. No previous knowledge or experience is required, the important thing is that you are curios and that you want to try out new ideas with other people. The position is paid, as a board member you will receive an annual honorary fee of SEK 5000.

In 2025/26, we will focus on text and publications. As part of your application, we would therefore like you to choose one of the questions or prompts below and share your reflections on that particular question.

1. Describe a book or magazine that you wish existed, but doesn’t.
2. What do you think will happen to bookstores and libraries in the next 10-20 years?
3. What advantages might AI have over humans when it comes to writing stories?
4. Who decides the meaning of a text – the reader or the author?
5. Where do you read?

You can choose to write down your thoughts about the clips, but you could just as well make an illustration, take photos, or find online images that you think illustrate your reasoning. You can record a voice clip where you think out loud – what we are looking for in your application is not that you do something “good” or technically advanced, we want to get an idea of how you think and reflect. Send an email containing your application (take a picture of your paper and attach it to the email in case you work by hand), your name, your age, and a short explanation as to why you want to join ITAB.

Email and put “ITAB-APPLICATION” in the subject field, no later than 6 April, 2025. Our current board members are more than happy to answer questions about the application or what it is like to be part of ITAB. Write to to have her set you up with one of them!

Click image to see examples of previous Index Teen Advisory Board activities.
Former Index Teen Advisory Board members at Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Audience at Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
I.T.A.B performing "Kids Looking Bored" in the workshop "Kids Looking Busy" a critical approach to how young people are being portrayed in institutional contexts.
Audience at Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Index Teen Advisory Board having a videochat with Praksis Teen Advisory Board, and artist collective Coyote.
Performative workshop 'Hosting and Ghosting' with Pontus Pettersson
Film by I.T.A.B member Hannes Schelin, to be watched in the subway during the performative walk 'To all the gods honey, to the mistress of the labyrinth honey in equal amounts' Ina Hagen and Sol Archer in collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board.
I.T.A.B member Leo Ramirez Iderström performing common moves observed in art museums during the workshop "Going to an exhibition in Character"
Workshop re-hanging the exhibition And Tomorrow And, at Index 2018.
I.T.A.B member Leo Quieroz Gonzalez during a fictive guided tour as part of Pontus Petterssons workshop 'Hosting and Ghosting'. Index Summer Festival The Defying Parrot 2019.
Zine workshop as part of Parrot School: Lagnugage adn Txte
Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
The workshop "Going to an exhibition in character" mapping common gestures of spectators, how do you move inside an exhibition?
Index Teen Advisory Board editorial meeting for making their zine 2017
I.T.A.B member Razak Abdul Muhebu reading Joanna Ptaks text during their zine-release, 2017.
Index Teen Advisory Board zine release 2017
Index Teen Advisory Board members 2019 discussing.
Detail of curtain in the exhibition And Tomorrow And
Evelina Jacobson Potenciano, participant in the summer course And Forever And performing the collective manifesto "We are I".
Summer course: And Forever And
Summer Course And Forever And at Index 2018.
I.T.A.B member installing during their takeover of the Index office, 2018.
I.T.A.B member installing during their takeover of the Index office, 2018.
I.T.A.B takeover of the Index office, 2018.


The 2024/25 Index Teen Advisory Board members are: Agnes Karlsson, Astrid Sundgren Samolov, Benedicte Ntumba Kalala, Emelie Svedling, Emma Kostrubala Ramberg, Emma Wrangsjö, Jagana Khasdorj, Niko Enroth Henriksson, Roza Kasirga, Sanna Grusell.

The 2023/24 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Anahita Mishra, Anton Pettersson, Anyang Li, Emma Wrangsjö, Jagana Khasdorj, Mirabel Hallander, Niko Enroth Henriksson, Sara Freds and Tora Hallberg.

The 2021/22 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Alcina Nancy Munene Persson, Anahita Mishra, Felix Sjögren, Joshua Sackett, Montadar Saleh, Sarikazaman Ullah, Vigo Roth, and Ville Ferm Thorgersen

The 2020/21 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Adina Edfelt, Emil Pita, Felix Sjögren, Jose William Esteban Velásquez Cristancho, Malin Issa, Sarikazaman Ullah and Simon Sjöberg.

The 2019/20 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Yosra Ali, Markus Johansson, Leo Queiroz Gonzalez, Alfred Nilsson, Samantha Ribeiro Johansson, Alva Mårsén, Dina Nordh Karsin, Leo Ramirez Iderström and Lovisa Jonsson.

The 2018/19 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Daniel Murisima, Ida Ippolito, Hannes Schelin, Mika Sundell, Maria Muhoza, Isabella Gillborg, and Niko Erfani

The 2017/18 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Désirée Bayibsa, Emmanuel Angelos Zavalis, Mikaela Wei, Viola Flø Brøther, Moa Lundborg, Philip von Schéele, Björn Hjelm and Yasin Safdari

The 2016/17 Index Teen Advisory Board members were: Ahmad Shaffai, Joanna Ptak, Jon Aagaard Andersson, Kajsa Frisk, Kaltum Gure, Ram Alshibli, Razak Abdul Muhebu, and Tilde Lee Björk

For more information contact Isabella Tjäder, Curator of Learning at

Index Teen Advisory Board was generously supported by Allmänna Arvsfonden 2015-2018.


Every now and then, Index produces a podcast with ITAB. Some conversations are recorded, some moments are defined to be public in a flow of thoughts an ideas.

A Dinner Conversation with Teresa Solar
December 2019
ITAB members had a dinner conversation with the artist Teresa Solar de evening before the opening of her solo exhibition at Index.

Going to an exhibition in character
February 2020
Index Teen Advisory Board sat down to discuss the first part of the workshop Going to an exhibition in character. This workshop has been growing over the years, responding to both the imaginary and real barriers of going to an exhibition and feeling like you have to know something or be someone.

Index Teen Advisory Board – Going to a Conference: In Character
February 2022
The members of ITAB joined this online conference with their siblings from PTAB at PRAKSIS (Oslo). Snippets from the conference chosen by board members are paired with original recordings opening for reflections as they listen back.

How do we know? Institutional listening and young agency in the arts
March 2023
ITAB members talk about this publication made together with PRAKSIS (Oslo) and PUBLICS (Helsinki) and the processes behind editorial and publication processes.

Index Teen Advisory Board – The Power of Sound and Silence
April 2024
What is the difference between the mall and the museum? ITAB members discuss about sound contexts, consume and cultural experiences.

Index Teen Advisory Board – More sound, more image, more questions (now with Josefin Arnell)
June 2024
Members of ITAB continue the conversation about sound now with artist Josefiin Arnell having her exhibition as starting point.

I.T.A.B member Leo Ramirez Iderström performing common moves observed in art museums during the workshop "Going to an exhibition in Character"


Bye Bye Blog

We’re saying by bye to the format of continuous blogging, and collectively sailing onto new exiting formats to be shared soon here. Index Teen Advisory Board is very much alive and ongoing. After three amazing years supported by Allmänna Arvsfonden ITAB has become an integral part of Index as an institution, and builds a core program advising and acting as critical agent of how young people can relate to art. The Teen Advisory Board format is also spreading, Moderna Museet in Stockholm has recently started a youth board applying the same format, and ITAB now works together with the boards at Praksis, and developing at Publics Helsinki through the network Future Futures.

Artist Teresa Solar in a podcast dinner with parts of old and new Index Teen Advisory Board.

I.T.A.B in Index Summer Festival 2019.

Welcome to the Index summer festival The Defying Parrot. The defying parrot is one part character, one part mimesis, one part festival. The festival is a gathering point for the poly-vocal voices of Index’ learning program. Celebrating the form that harbours and contains the artistic work happening throughout the year in Index in relation to learning. The festival functions as a platform to test out the learning related temporalities of the institution.

Here in the festival format, we have invited the character of the parrot – one who can mimic and defy political, social and artistic forms – to help us to understand ways of approaching social responsibility, group dynamics and the core activities of learning with contemporary artistic practice. The festival generates and repeats poetic statements, much like a mimicking parrot lost in the city.

There are three new commissions for the festival, as well as workshops, performances and musical responses. The commissions each experiment with methods of co-authorship, inviting groups of young people to work alongside and within the process, complicating the question of mimicry in learning with contemporary art. The Defying Parrot invites you to follow the movements of social movements in the city, it greets you as the Host and The Ghost of the gallery, it calls out in response to technological aspects of mimicry, and visits an exhibition in character.

Responding to discussions and experiences of the Index Teen Advisory Board, the parrot is a critical response to the socially coded nature of art spaces.

Participating artists: Ina Hagen and Sol Archer together with Index Teen Advisory Board: Daniel Murisima, Ida Ippolito, Hannes Schelin, Mika Sundell, Maria Muhoza, Isabella Gillborg, and Niko Erfani, Celine Manz together with Amina Seid Tahir and Leo W O Silkeberg, Pontus Petterson together with The Hosts and The Ghosts, and Tyler Coburn.

Read more here

Audience at Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Walk 'To all the gods honey, to the mistress of the labyrinth honey in equal amounts' with Ina Hagen and Sol Archer in collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board.
Walk 'To all the gods honey, to the mistress of the labyrinth honey in equal amounts' with Ina Hagen and Sol Archer in collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board.
Walk 'To all the gods honey, to the mistress of the labyrinth honey in equal amounts' with Ina Hagen and Sol Archer in collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board.
Film by I.T.A.B member Hannes Schelin, to be watched in the subway during the performative walk 'To all the gods honey, to the mistress of the labyrinth honey in equal amounts' Ina Hagen and Sol Archer in collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board.
Walk 'To all the gods honey, to the mistress of the labyrinth honey in equal amounts' with Ina Hagen and Sol Archer in collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board.
Open workshop 'Language is a virus'
'A book is a book is a cheap book' bookshop
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Former Index Teen Advisory Board members at Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Documentation from Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
Performance: fold; Rean-actors, Celine Manz with Amina Seid Tahir and Leo W-O Silkeberg.
Performative workshop 'Hosting and Ghosting' with Pontus Pettersson
I.T.A.B member Leo Quieroz Gonzalez during a fictive guided tour as part of Pontus Petterssons workshop 'Hosting and Ghosting'. Index Summer Festival The Defying Parrot 2019.
Audience at Index Summer Festival, The Defying Parrot, 14-16th of June
ITAB meeting in April, together with artists Ina Hagen and Sol Archer.
Index Teen Advisory Board workshop notes, May 2017
Mapping the young access to cultural institutions in Stockholm.
April meeting, looking at group and crowd formations outside of Friends Arena.
Visit at Moderna Museet, mapping the gestures of the spectators.
The workshop "Going to an exhibition in character" mapping common gestures of spectators, how do you move inside an exhibition?
Workshop re-hanging the exhibition And Tomorrow And, at Index 2018.
ITAB member Daniel Musirima evaluating the opening of Roxy Farhat - WUH-PSHH! at Index 2019
Floating performance with Tilde Lee Björk, Index Summer Festival 2019. Photo Gethin Wyn Jones.
ITAB meeting artist Jenny Yurshansky taking a tour out in the wild taking about her project Blacklisted: A Planted Allegory
Index Teen Advisory Board zine release 2017
Index Teen Advisory Board editorial meeting for making their zine 2017
I.T.A.B member Razak Abdul Muhebu reading Joanna Ptaks text during their zine-release, 2017.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Festival productions and kinship organisations

May 2019

Getting closer to the Index Summer festival the 15th of June, the board reconvenes with artist Ina Hagen and Sol Archer to plan out their collective work. Staring from the suggestions made by the board, the artists have proposed a structure in which the production will take place. Visiting the meeting is also Praksis Oslo, an organisation starting up their own version of a Teen Advisory Board, looking for valuable tips and advice on how to set up a format that allows young people to get inside art organisations.

Index Teen Advisory Board members 2019 discussing.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Social gatherings and social disruptions

April 2019

As part of their ongoing collaboration with artists Ina Hagen and Sol Archer, Index Teen Advisory Board spend a full day moving in digital, collective and disruptive patterns around the city. Which patterns do we repeat, which patterns do we defeat? Can a group reconfigure social patterns, and how to move in the footsteps of past movements?

ITAB meeting in April, together with artists Ina Hagen and Sol Archer.
April meeting, looking at group and crowd formations outside of Friends Arena.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Evaluation #3

April 2019

Roxy Farhat WUH-PSHHH!

This show should be called:
-Screen Fighter
-The couch
-Training Guardian

Who should be here:
People with a goldcard at the opera
People who has never listend to Hiphop
People who don’t agree with the message of the works
People who hasn’t realized that they are interested in this yet
Typical white dues

ITAB member Daniel Musirima evaluating the opening of Roxy Farhat - WUH-PSHH! at Index 2019

Index Teen Advisory Board: Co-opting

March 2019

Artist Sol Archer and Ina Hagen at Index this weekend, starting up a up a long term collaboration with Index Teen Advisory Board. As always the teenage board keeps pushing the Index agenda. Now starting a conversation about forms of social adaptation, and strategies for counter-actions in the public sphere. TBC!

Time, memory and objects: the board work with artists Mette Edvardsen and Gabo Camnitzer

Jan 2019

The Index Teen Advisory Board is now in its third year and offers paid positions for young people who meeting monthly at Index. The board is an integral part of Index and it actively supports decision-making, evaluation and programming. The aim is to bring together a group of young people with differing life experiences and reflect together on the role and potential of art and culture today. The board implements ideas into the agenda of the organisation. In January and February the board attended the opening and took part in performances of Mette Edvardsen’s project Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine. Alongside this process, the board undertook a workshop with NY based artist Gabo Camnitzer, which focused on a set of proposals around objecthood and attributes.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Evaluation #2

January 2019

For our second evaluation we look at the opening of artist and choreographer Mette Edvardsens exhibition Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine. Using combination of words, and misrememberings, we missinterpret and twist the words that slipp between in conversations. We look at the movements, and the static, and propose a performance from the misreadings, if I don’t remember it wrong…

Index Teen Advisory Board and the exhibition ‘And Tomorrow And’

September, October and November 2018

During the autumn ITAB worked closely with the exhibition And Tomorrow And at Index. And Tomorrow And presents a demanding cacophony of voices questioning our collective futures. Ecological disaster, inter-species collaboration, cyborgian manifestations – from these new and altered states, artists consider differing formulations of futures. The board attended talks, workshops and events were an important part of the exhibition program.

The exhibition is not a static presentation but an attempt to articulate competing, collective and vibrant voices on the concept of futures. For the first time in Index’ history, the exhibition model has been inverted. Educational practices, based around working dialogues with young people, have crafted and formed the exhibition, rather than as a secondary process. As part of this process, the exhibition continually develops during the three-month period, with an accumulation and archive of text based pieces. The material manifestation of the space acts as a set of pedagogical tools, reflecting on and supporting the learning processes that run throughout the exhibition.

The exhibition presents a daily looping film program from internationally established artists such as Terike Haapoja and Laura Gustafsson, Institute for New Feeling and Jenna Sutela. The film program pays tribute to Afro-Futurists and Eco-Sexualists, ruminates on apocalypticism and science-fiction aesthetics, and rewrites the form of the manifesto in unforeseen ways. Throughout the exhibition there will be evening screenings and talks, including feature length Water Makes Us Wet by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, The Otolith Group’s Hydra Decapita and Fabrizio Terranova’s documentary Donna Haraway: Stories for Earthly Survival.

With video works and manifestos by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, Laura Gustafsson and Terike Haapoja, Institute for New Feeling, Jenna Sutela, Jess Johnson and Simon Ward, Kati Roover, Sonia Leber and David Chesworth, Soda_Jerk, Alexandra Pirici and Raluca Voinea, The Otolith Group, and Fabrizio Terranova with Donna Haraway.

Workshop re-hanging the exhibition And Tomorrow And, at Index 2018.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Going to an exhibition in character

November 2018

Index Teen Advisory Board continues to look at the social choreography of the exhibition space. As a case study we visit Moderna utställningen at Moderna Museet to spectate spectatorship, understanding standing, sketching sketchers and act sketchy.

The workshop "Going to an exhibition in character" mapping common gestures of spectators, how do you move inside an exhibition?
Visit at Moderna Museet, mapping the gestures of the spectators.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Apelsinhändelse / Happening with an orange

September 2018

Starting from the observations made during the opening of And Tomorrow And, Index Teen Advisory Borad talk about the exhibtion as a social space. What kind of social relations are created and maintained within this exhibition? Which ones would we like to create, and how? Looking at the history of Fluxus and socially engaged practices we mapp out potentialities for audiences to approach the current show. What about having a communal meal on the floor, leaving fruits on the furniture, or going to an exhibition in character?

Old office setting during workshop with Index Teen Advisory Board
Workshop with Index Teen Advisory Board

Evaluation #1: Opening And Tomorrow And

August 2018

Task one. Bring two friends that has never been to Index before. Task two. Observations. Record the movements of the people visiting the opening. Tree. Pay attention to the conversations being held in the space. Four. Give the exhibition a new title based on your observations.

Post – presence – echoes
Bright future
Gud är igång – experimentella grejer
(Where are we) at openings
Future or How

Five. Submerge yourself and leave the papers behind

Index Teen Advisory Board 2018/2019

August 2018

We start the new season with a warm welcome to our new Teen Advisory Board of 2018/2019: Daniel Murisima, Ida Ippolito, Hannes Schelin, Mika Sundell, Isabella Gillborg, Maria Muhoza, and Niko Erfani. During our first official meeting we met up in the middle of the installment of Index new show And Tomorrow And, glimpsing into the research made by previous young groups and witnessing the inner workings of an art institution days before opening. During our year together we will meet with artist, organizers, collectives and thinkers to discuss the accessibility of art and culture from the perspective of a young person living in Stockholm. Brought together by a sense of curiosity, the new group of seven young Stockholmers, from different backgrounds, languages and experiences, now starts their mission take a critical look at how art is mediated and dispersed within the city, and within Index foundation.

Index Teen Advisory Board: You need an exhibition?

June 2018

Join us for the farewell presentation by the current Index Teen Advisory Board members Désirée Bayibsa, Emmanuel Angelos Zavalis, Mikaela Wei, Viola Flø Brøther, Moa Lundborg and Björn Hjelm. Taking over the Index office with artistic interventions, describing some of the processes and conversations held throughout the year together.

I.T.A.B member installing during their takeover of the Index office, 2018.
I.T.A.B member installing during their takeover of the Index office, 2018.
I.T.A.B takeover of the Index office, 2018.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Baking bread with Brödmässan

June 2018

As part of Index Summer festival Letting the Days Go By, Index Teen Advisory Board invites the neighbours and friends of Index to come and bake bread in the spirit of ease, experimentation and companionship. In collaboration with Brödmässan, part of Bomassan Hökarängen, writer Gunilla Lundahl brings bread making back into the ovens of the home and the neighborhood, an exercise in consumer power.

In the home of Index Teen Advisory Board member Moa Lundborg we prepare bread and stories to share during the evening event Mål Tid in the Index gallery.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Re-writing, processing and re-mixing

June 2018

Grinding down the words and statements spilled over us in the forms of Manifestos, bio texts, exhibition statements and organizational jargon: ITAB re-writes and re-formulats text for the use of the upcoming exhibition. This is not one voice, this is not what we stand for, this is a questioning statement from where we are:



Index Teen Advisory Board: Transparency/Process
May 2018

What do we share? How do we share it? To whom? In which state? Is anything ever ready? Do we need to exhibit intelligence? Do we need an exhibition?

Reflecting on the year as a young group installed into an arts organization, ITAB summerize and spin forward on some of the questions facing them when planning their own additions to Index programs, co-organizing the upcoming festival Letting the Days Go By.

Image: Transparency, Shimer College students demonstrate in favor of transparency in school administration, 2010.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Given Priority

April 2018

Part of the boards mission is to make themselves acquaintance with the cultural landscape of Stockholm, spotting gaps and potentialities in how and where youth culture is given priority. On our very first meeting, a big map of the virtual and physical places known for young people to meet and gather in Stockholm, were made. During april, we set out to widen the known and unknown spots, sending ITAB to places and events hosted with or for teens.

Index Teen Advsory Board listening to a performance by Långholmens folkhögskola - Politisk Scenkonst, during the Spring Clean festival.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Thinking with plants

April 2018

Spending a morning with L.A based artist Jenny Yurshansky, we take a walk in the surrounding vegetation, looking an “invasive” and “alien” species, discovering the migrating history of the plants we consider native. Drawing from Jennys latest project Blacklisted: A Planted Allegory illusions of stable categories and national faunas spring up between soil and asphalt.

Blacklisted: A Planted Allegory investigates the distinction between native versus invasive species as determined by the California Invasive Species Advisory Committee, a scientific organization charged with creating a statewide “living list” of invasive species since late 2009. The discourse surrounding a list of “invasive” or “alien” flora and fauna species has interesting and fruitful correlations to policies regarding immigration, multiculturalism and evolving ideas about national identities that are inherently tied to the identity of border cultures. The project allows viewers to engage in a meaningful and nuanced way with how these issues are thought of in direct and applicable terms.

ITAB meeting artist Jenny Yurshansky taking a tour out in the wild taking about her project Blacklisted: A Planted Allegory

Open Call: Index Teen Advisory Board 2018/19

Nu söker Index nya medlemmar till 2018-2019 års ungdomsstyrelse Index Teen Advisory Board. Som styrelsemedlem får du betalt för att en gång i månaden delta i diskussioner, utflykter, möten och workshops som alla fördjupar sig i konstens roll och potential inom ungdomskultur. Tillsammans med andra engagerade ungdomar har du som medlem i styrelsen ett uppdrag att tänka kritiskt kring hur konst och kultur distribueras och konsumeras, samt aktivt verka för att hitta nya kreativa lösningar på de problem som kulturen antas stå inför. Under ett år följs vi åt, och går bakom kulisserna på flera konstinstitutioner, besöker aktiva konstnärer och arrangerar egna events. Vi söker dig som har driv och är nyfiken på hur villkoren ser ut för att vara en aktiv kulturproducent i Stockholm idag.

Ansök direkt genom att skicka ett mail till där du skriver ditt namn, ålder och hemkommun. Du kommer då att få en ansökningsblankett med vidare information. Lycka till!

Index Teen Advisory Board: Evaluation

March 2018

One of the main tasks of ITAB is to evaluate and reflect on the openess and accessibility of Index as an organisation. Going into the opening as a format for a specific kind of social choreography, ITAB draws the scores in Sidsel Meineche Hansens show, recording and re-arranging the words that floats during opening-chitchat. Simultaneously making emoticons from the faces that looks at faces.

Task one: During 5 minutes, draw how people move in the room.
Task two: Who is missing from this show, draw them into the exhibition room.

Words overheard: everytime, ideologi, själv, turned on, missuppfattningar, trust, look surpriced, sex, upptaget, uber, ingenting, you returned, posh neighborhood, testa något, ta bild på, tycker du om toca boca, laughter, magnolia, kan man börja läsa folks tankar

The new titles of the show are:
Business baby
Everytime människor trust
Yeah exactly so nice
Uber look like sex yeah?
The difficulty with the 1990s


Index Teen Advisory Board: Collective individual and collectives

February 2018

Index Teen Advisory Board met up with the collective Brown Island and saw their exhibition Brown Island in the White Sea, at Konstfack. Starting in their individual work they discussed the need for collective organization and amplification of non-normative experiences. Artists Emma Dominguez, Nathalie Ruejas, Johnny Chang and Anna Ting Möller presented their exhibition works. We also met with Sonia Hedstrand and Anna Kinbom from amazing collective 0s+1s, presenting their ongoing practice that researches the territories of political technology, hierarchical structures and cyberfeminist practices. Thank you to all the artists who took part and to Rudy Loewe for help in organising the day.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Artist working in organizations and organizations working with artist

January 2018

First meeting of the new year and we look back on our evaluations and discuss the organizations of events and the people running and participating in it. With us we have artist and Index Technician Max Ronnersjö that runs Index event space Index 19. We also discuss documentation and the “evidence” of the happening, how do you take a picture to represent an event, are there alternative ways to represent social events rather than group pictures? We decide to document this meeting with our words and hands.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Evaluating the social structure of openings

December 2017

Coming to the end of the year Index Teen Advisory Board is imbedding itself as participatory observers of the two openings held at Index in December. Given a set of questions to critically look at the social activities, representation and accessibility of the openings, the ITABS look at the event held with Index Residents S:t Eriksgymnasium and later observe the opening of Kevin Jerome Everson. Going back and looking at our different observations we compare and analyze the structure of the events and how we could engage in its improvement.

Index Teen Advisory Board: What power do words enact?

November 2018

For this meeting the board explored artist manifestos and the power of words. Along with manifestos of modernism such as Dadaist and Futurist manifestos, 1960s highlights such as Fluxus and Gilbert & George and more contemporary examples with Guerilla Girls and Grayson Perry. The board then began to construct their own art manifestos and developed performative modes for sharing these. Index Director Axel Wieder was also in attendance for a Q+A session, answering the boards questions on the role of art, artists and curatorial practices.

Index Teen Advisory Board: What is a life worth?

October 2017

Responding to the question, what is a life worth?, ITAB met for our October meeting at Index to discuss this together and also visited Bonniers Konsthall exhibition The Image of War, curated by Theodor Ringborg. The group exhibition is about seeing violence in images. The exhibition shows work from more than 30 artists who confront past or present conflicts. In their work the artists deal at once with violence and its image, posing crucial questions about what violent images create, what consequences they have and how they circulate.

Index Teen Advisory Board: Meeting Beth Laurin

September 2017

On the last Saturday of September, Index Teen Advisory Board Members spent the afternoon at Index, this time together with the artist Beth Laurin. Our meetings are structured in such a way that it includes a round table with the teens and our learning team to talk about relevant issues, then we encounter art in many forms, often in connection with artists and/or other institutions, followed by an evaluation round and next steps towards the next meeting. On September 30th, we had the pleasure of listening to Beth Laurin tell stories behind every artwork in Provisorium and fielding questions from the participants. We then took the bus to Moderna Museet where Beth talked about her sculpture “Del 1” which now stands in Moderna Museet’s gardens. Since we were at Moderna, Kristoffer Svenberg, who heads the youth programs at Moderna gave us a great presentation of his work with young adults in the museum’s board room. It was a special day and a unique opportunity for all of us to share experiences about working with young people in Stockholm and get a first hand account of an artist’s practice from the artist herself.

Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 visits Beth Laurin's exhibition Provisorium.
Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 visits Beth Laurin's exhibition Provisorium.
Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 visits Beth Laurin's exhibition Provisorium. From left to right: Beth Laurin, Philip von Scheele, Désirée Bayibsa.
Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 visits Beth Laurin's exhibition Provisorium. Beth Laurin tells the stories behind her process and her artworks.
Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 visits Beth Laurin's exhibition Provisorium. Björn Hjelm and Désirée Bayibsa take a closer look at the vitrines.
Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 sees Beth Laurin's exhibition Provisorium
Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 meets Beth Laurin

Index Teen Advisory Board: The First Encounter

August 2017

Starting up the second year of Index Teen Advisory Board we meet up for a mapping session at Index. Getting to know each other, getting to know Index and most importantly, getting to know all our different contexts that maps out or shared interest in art and cultre. To be continued!

Index Teen Advisory Board 17/18 announced!

Augusti 2017

Index is proud to announce the new Index Teen Advisory Board, 2017-2018:
Emmanuel Angelos Zavalis, Mikaela Wei, Moa Lundborg, Désirée Bayibsa, Yasin Safdari, Björn Hjelm, Philip von Schéele and Viola Flø Brøther

Index Teen Advisory Board: Zine Release Party

June 2017

The Zine is out! We conclude the year of Index’ first ever Teen Advisory Board with a Release party. In a collaborative reading some of the participants also give voice to each others texts, continuing the learning process that has run throughout the year. A big thank you to everyone involved, and honorary mentions to Ahmad Shaffi, Joanna Ptak, Jon Aagaard Andersson, Kajsa Frisk, Ram Alshibli, Razak Abdul Muhebu, Tilde Lee Björk, Index Teen Advisory Board 2016/2017, over and out.

Index Teen Advisory Board zine release 2017
I.T.A.B member Razak Abdul Muhebu reading Joanna Ptaks text during their zine-release, 2017.
Index Teen Advisory Board editorial meeting for making their zine 2017

Index Teen Editorial Board

June 2017
During a full day Index Teen Advisory Board took over the office, turning it into an editorial space for the upcoming release of their Zine. As part of their involvement in The Promise, the zine is a platform to comment and elaborate on topics brought up by the exhibition.

Index Teen Advisory Board 2016-17 - Zine Workshop - June 2017

Index Teen Advisory Board: Konstfack’s Degree Show

May 2017

With the end of the term coming up, Index Teen Advisory Board is putting their heads together to plan for upcoming events at Index. Yesterday’s meeting started at Index and took a choreographed trip to Konstfacks Vårutställning, the art school’s annual Spring Degree Show, to look for inputs in how to use space and present artistic processes.

Using simple notebooks, and creating an interval of 9 min between each persons departure, we tried to take advantage of the Stockholm transportation system as a place to observe the movement and social specificity of the city. Tying to gather thoughts and experiences sprung from the engagement in the upcoming exhibition “The Promise.” In the end we all got together to discuss, compare notes and have a big collective lunch at the busy Konstfack cantina. Keep tuned for Index Teen Advisory Board’s activities for June!

Applications for the Index Teen Advisory Board 2017-18 now open!

May 2017

Index is now calling out for all young people 15-20 years old living in the Stockholm metropolitan area to apply to become a member of the Index Teen Advisory Board, a group of 8 members who will be the young voices inside our organization for one year! The positions are paid and we encourage applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds and from different parts of the city. Also, read blog postings below about all the activities we have done so far, it’s been a really fun year!

For more information and application details, please click here.

Index Teen Advisory Board artist meetings with Lucia Pagano and Santiago Mostyn

March 2017
ITAB board meet with two contemporary artists, living in Stockholm, whose works deal with public space. The board watched two works by the artists and held a Q+A session with the artists, asking questions about how they came to art, what they considered when they made the works and their opinions on what public space in Stockholm can do.

Index Teen Advisory Board: February meeting

February 2017

In the last Index Teen Advisory Board meeting the participants were asked to respond to a set of questions in relation to the upcoming project The Promise at Index, around themes of democracy and the city, the ways in which we live together, architecture and urban planning. We reflected on how our lives are being impacted on and shaped by the city we live in, and the social situations created by the urban landscapes that surround us.
Index Teen Advisory Board 2016/17 is made up of an engaged group of young people with different backgrounds and experiences from different places around the world, so we were also interested in as a group sharing our experiences from the different cities and places we have lived in throughout our lives. How is Ariqua in Syria different to Uppsala in Sweden? What do we remember from certain places and why? How does the way the city looks or feels seem to change us, or the way we move around in it? What makes us feel welcome or safe? What is the social fabric of a place made from?

Attending at the meeting were ITAB members Jon Ågaard Andersson (Sweden), Ram Ashibli (Syria), Razak Abdul (Ghana), Kajsa Frisk (Sweden), Ahmad Shaffai (Afghanistan) and Tilde Lee Björk (Sweden).

The group were asked to reflect on questions from their own personal experiences. Here are some of the topics from our mind-map:
















December ITAB meeting: Introducing The Promise

December 2016
Index Teen Advisory Board met for the third time in December, with a specific focus on the 2017 summer program The Promise. The board were introduced to the ideas of the expansive program and reflected on the role of architecture and public space in their own lives. The next meeting is set for February where the board will continue to critique and infiltrate Index programming.