Call to apply: Internship with a focus on the Index archive

Index internship with a focus on the archive: Matilda Kenttä, 2019. (Originally from Anna Selander, archive material)
Crowd outside Index former space at St Paulsgatan
From the archive: Index office during the 90s
Internship with a focus on the archive: Elias Kautsky
Publication by Matilda Kenttä, internship with a focus on the archive, 2019.
Index former space at St Paulsgatan
In the Shadow of the Archive (2020), arranged by Elias Kautsky and Sarah Heuberger, a guest looks at the publication by Matilda Kenttä, 2019.
In The Shadow of the Archive, public moment with Elias Kautsky and Sarah Heuberger
Internship with a focus on the archive: Sarah Heuberger

Index is now offering an internship situation for current art and curatorial students who want to broaden their education and professional experience. This position will be the fifth in a series of internships working specifically with the Index archive and questions concerning distribution of archival material.

Index is a non-profit art institution with a 40-year history, with its roots in photography and visual culture, language and criticality. This archive of the many narratives of Index has been the departure point for four internships to date, with each individual developing research based on their own interest and practices.

We are committed to offering an internship which is rewarding and provides opportunities to gain experience working as a key part of our team in a challenging, hands-on environment. The organization presents a year-round program of ambitious exhibitions of contemporary art, events and learning programs. The internship is a platform for participants to propose their own ideas and research focuses and to develop their projects during the time at Index with support from our team.

Please note that Index only accepts applicants who are part of an education program that requires they undertake an internship period as part of their curriculum, a labor market policy, or a special program which provides a framework of support. Index is unable to offer paid internships.

Internships are offered on a full-time or part-time basis for a minimum of 6 weeks, during which a specific target project as well as ongoing daily tasks will be completed. Interns also participate in team meetings, events, various learning programs and mediation. For this internship, we seek a person who can undertake working with our program during weekends.

Apply now! Applications are now welcome for an internship starting from mid-late November. Please send your CV, indicating months of interest and a personal letter sharing your thoughts on working with Index archive.

Apply by sending an email to the Index team at