Call for: Kybernein Academy

Kybernein Institute seeks collaborators, researchers, writers and students to participate and intervene in the construction of Kybernein Academy.
Fake news, fact resistance, conspiracy theories, populism, mistrust of science, political contempt, manipulation of the media, these are widely considered to be some of the greatest threats to our democracies today. These phenomena are all consequences of how different power interests use language, images, and “narrative production” as strategic tools.
Taking its departure point in Nathalie Gabrielsson’s exhibition The Campaign, opening 17 April 2020 at Index, Kybernein Academy becomes a platform for research and discussion around how strategic narrative production operates within our democratic systems. The Academy will use a Swedish case study introduced in the exhibition as a starting point for critical discussion about the role of strategic communication in democratic systems.
The selected participants are anticipated to be students from a range of different intersecting fields, which could include journalism, political science, business and economics, art, sociology, contemporary history, resulting in a diverse and interdisciplinary discussion group.
The Academy offers both a theoretical frame and a practical platform at Index in Stockholm. Employing a workshop-based structure combining discussions, lectures and individual practice, the Academy will use the exhibition space at Index as a public working area. As the Academy’s course of investigation comes to a close, the participants can produce a manifestation of their research, either in the form of a text, or another contribution to a new publication, edited by Kybernein Institute.
Send in a letter of intent (max 1 A4) conveying your point of departure and interest in the construction of Kybernein Academy to by April 12, 2020.

Kybernein Academy is structured around dedicated collective moments, self-run dig-time to engage with the research material, and re-grouping sessions where we share and discuss our findings and different positions. Throughout the period there is support and individual contact with the organizers of Kybernein Academy as well as with the invited guest teachers. (Confirmed list to come in april)
Collective moments will be held at Index Foundation in Stockholm.
Given the current situation, it is anticipated that the following dates will be re-considered in dialogue with the participants.
Introduction: (At Index)
May 9: 12.00 – 16:00
May 10: 12.00 – 16:00
Dig: (Self run)
May 11-15
Formulation of Position: (At Index)
May 16: 12:00 – 16:00
Dig deeper: (Self run with support and voluntary meetings)
May 17 – 11 September 2020.
Re-group: (At Index)
19 September: 12:00 – 16:00
20 September: 12:00 – 16:00