December 2017

 Don’t miss the final days of Beth Laurin’s solo exhibition Provisorium at Index, running until 3 December. The exhibition presents sculptures, drawings, photographs and documents in a careful installation by the artist. “With Beth Laurin, art and life merge, probably because they were never separated. And can’t be. At Index she shows her thinking space, a gift for us visitors to take care of.” (Magnus Bons, DN)

 The exhibition från och till presents works by students of S:t Eriks gymnasium in our gallery space. Throughout the last semester, the students have been working, as part of our Index Residents program, on projects inspired by Beth Laurin’s work, through workshops at the gallery and the school. The exhibition has been planned and curated by the students together with Index’ learning team.

 Our newest publication, Beth Laurin: Provisorium, is available for order. The book has been published as part of our current exhibition with Beth Laurin and includes new texts by Josefine Wikström and Jaleh Mansoor, a contribution by Leif Elggren, a conversation with the artist and an extensive image section documenting artworks and projects.

 Save the date! On Thursday, 14 December 2017, 17:30–20:00 we will open our new exhibition with American artist and film maker Kevin Jerome Everson. His film Tonsler Park, shown for the first time in Scandinavia, is a black–and-white documentary, shot on 16 mm film in Everson’s home town of Charlottesville, Virgina during the 2016 presidential election.

Beth Laurin smälter samman konst och liv på Index, Magnus Bons, Dagens Nyheter (26 September 2017)
Tiden har hunnit ikapp Beth Laurins konst, Joanna Persman, Svenska Dagbladet (8 November 2017)
En sko är en sko är en sko, Frans Josef Petersson, Kunstkritikk (2017)
David Price about Provisorium, This is Tomorrow (2017)