Markus Degerman, Lisa Torell
5 February–9 March 2003
“Now it is not primarily a solidified and perhaps also dubious clothing fashion Lisa Torell puts her focus on. Rather, it is language – this complex and at the same time slippery construction of words, labyrinths, tones and syntaxes – that she wants to examine. In a series of stories well embedded in the gallery’s protective painting, she uncovers some pictures to be amazed as well as bothered by. /…/ Markus Degerman’s slide show of so-called non-places – forgotten spaces in the suburban landscape that no one wants to know about, becomes a nice rounding off of the exhibition. Degerman breaks in, sabotages, adds and creates something new. Best of all is a swimming pool on a graffiti-painted demolition site somewhere in Germany.”
Translated quote from SvD, 2003-02-05, Sophie Allgårdh. Read full text in Swedish.