Kunstkritikk: Ramesch Daha

Ramesch Daha’s exhibition I AM HEALTHY, I CANNOT WRITE THIS LETTER MYSELF in Kunstkritikk. Valerie Kyeyune Backström writes about the dark chapters presented in Daha’s exhibition at Index, the unfolding of an archive, and silence as a survival strategy – and as a form of warfare.
Ramesch Dahas utställning I AM HEALTHY, I CANNOT WRITE THIS LETTER MYSELF i Kunstkritikk. Valerie Kyeyune Backström skriver om de mörka kapitlen, om hur traumat av Förintelsen fortplantat sig genom generationer och “tystnaden som en överlevnadsstrategi och som en form av krigsföring”.
Read the full article here (currently only in Swedish).
Photo: Vincent Entekhabi