Distributed moment
12 August 2020, 17:00
Welcome to take part in a series of distributed moments at Index, presented by the participants of the summer course Art and Distribution: Exhibition practices and other ways to distribute in collaboration with Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design.
Throughout the summer, Index has been a platform for working through decentralized ways of looking at distribution and how its myriad connective potentials relate to artistic practice today. Course participants have been using the exhibition space to follow seminars, workshops, reading sessions and to reflect on their own practices in relation to distributed times and distributed minds.
Public presentations by:
17:00 Henrik Söderström
17:50 Linnéa Hansander
18:40 Vincent Duraud
Henrik Söderström – Polygon Ecology
A speculative research into the simulated material space of 3D graphics, and deeper, into the materiality of the graphics processor, the ecological and political interplay between medium and technology, and a proposal for an alternative digital aesthetic.
Vincent Duraud – ex materia;; Your connection is unstable
insurrection is the advent; staged power; dialogic formation; fragmented space; aligned phoria; exposed rehearsal; material digitality; unravelling identity; liminal fixation; collective choreography; mutating togetherness; territory transgressed; is your process inclusionary?; we are the leak
Linnea Hansander shares her ongoing research and thinking around interfaces:
the mind-body interface and how it interfaces internal and external experiences; digital distribution of shared events, a short quiz night with questions as the interface/password to information, and a simple sms-hack to provide access to a new past and/or impossible conversations.
Publicly distributed objects by Clara Aldén, Helle Lindskog, Jessie McLaughlin, Julie Warwel.
In order to maintain safe distancing due to Covid-19, we have a limited number of spaces. Please book your place to join by sending an email to info@indexfoundation.se
All public presentations will be live streamed through Twitch via