
August 2022

Finissage for TRAGEDY (I can’t live if living is without you)
After a summer break, Index welcomes back visitors to experience Linnea Hansander’s exhibition, TRAGEDY (I can’t live if living is without you). The exhibition is inspired by Greek tragedy and the emotions surrounding love, loss and the endless attempts of the hero trying to change their fate. The artist has transformed the space of Index into a theatrical atmosphere where sculpture, film, music and interactive scenarios are staged throughout the exhibition welcoming visitors to listen, watch and participate in the process of performing.

There are only a few days remaining to visit the exhibition and on Sunday, 28 August, Index will host a finissage in the presence of the artist. Starting at 13:00, there will be a conversation between Linnea Hansander, director Marti Manen and Susanne Fessé, founder and artistic leader of Art/Sensation. The conversation will focus on the virtual and physical aspects of exhibitional practices in relation to Hansander’s exhibitions at Index and Art/Sensation’s digital space, Cube.

Following the conversation, at 14:30, Hansander will conduct a performative reading of the play usually performed by automated puppets in the exhibition, after which audience members are also invited to participate.

The exhibition is open Thu-Fri 12:00-18:00 and Sat-Sun 12:00-16:00.

ITAB in Luleå
September 23 marks the opening of an exhibition at the artist-run space Galleri Syster in Luleå, featuring works by Alma Winkler, Åsa Ersmark and Maja Stjärna. The exhibition is curated by Adina Edfelt, Alva Mårsén and Felix Sjögren Krautz; a continuation of the work they initiated as members of Index Teen Advisory Board. ITAB has a central role in developing Index as an institution, and we are happy to be able to include yet another institution in the endeavor.

Embodying the Institution. A Conversation with Melike Sökmen and Pilar Borrajo
During June, Index released the podcast presenting the work of interns Melike Sökmen and Pilar Borrajo who reflect on their time at Index discussing ideas around the institutional as well as artistic practices and film production in relation to the artists Pauline Curnier Jardin and Fina Miralles. While Sökmen focused her time on supporting Curnier Jardin in research for a new film, Borrajo looked into the history of film production and what possibilities and limitations Spanish women film directors encountered in parallel to Miralles’ practice. Sökmen and Borrajo contributed to an important part of the foundation’s work with contemporary art— looking to the future and the past in relation to diverse artistic practices.

The podcast is accessible on Spotify and Index’s website.

What’s Happening Next at Index?
Index is looking forward to three upcoming exhibitions during autumn 2022 along with plenty of events planned in between! Opening 15 September, artist Alva Willemark and choreographer Sybrig Dokter presents the second part of their exhibition, CAPABLE OF RETURNING HOME. The first phase of their exhibition opened for two weeks in Jan 2022. Melanie Gilligan, artist and PhD candidate from the Royal Institute of Art, will open an intense, week-long exhibition inside and outside of Index. After 16 years, Kajsa Dahlberg will have another solo exhibition, beginning in 2022 and continuing through 2023. Her first exhibition, A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN/A THOUSAND LIBRARIES was presented at Index in 2006.